Christ Prays 4 Our Unity
John 17:13-26
The importance of unity in the body of Christ:…
April 23, 2023/by Todd BriggsThe importance of unity in the body of Christ:…
Vision For Biblical Partnership
Partnering 4 What Matters
What really matters? Eternal…
April 16, 2023/by Todd BriggsWhat really matters? Eternal…
EASTER: Giving Up What You Cannot Keep to Gain What You Cannot Lose
Romans 8:31-38 'Eternal Security of Believers'
April 9, 2023/by Todd BriggsEASTER SUNDAY!…
Malachi Pt. 7: The Last Word Before Christ
Malachi 4:1-6
How does the message of Malachi's prophecy…
April 2, 2023/by Todd BriggsHow does the message of Malachi's prophecy…
Malachi Pt. 6: The Lord Remembers HIS People
The Lord's Ledgers: Malachi 3:13-18
Your words have been…
March 26, 2023/by Admin MidtownYour words have been…
Malachi Pt. 5: Honesty With God About Giving
Body Giving
I hope you can see this passage today as warning…
March 19, 2023/by Todd BriggsI hope you can see this passage today as warning…