1st Peter Pt. 7: Entrust Your Life To The Will Of God
Say Yes to God & No to Self
As Christ followers we are…
November 6, 2022/by Todd BriggsAs Christ followers we are…
1st Peter Pt. 6: A Life Declaring Christ’s Lordship
Lordship Salvation & Baptism
This book and this passage…
October 30, 2022/by Todd BriggsThis book and this passage…
1st Peter Pt. 5: Different and The Same
Biblical Marriage Roles
Peter's Audience: I am writing to…
October 23, 2022/by Todd BriggsPeter's Audience: I am writing to…
1st Peter Pt. 4: Authority Issues
The Biblical Doctrine of God's Absolute Sovereignty
I used…
October 2, 2022/by Todd BriggsI used…
1st Peter Pt. 3: Built on THE Cornerstone
Christ's Followers are Called to an Eternal Building Project
September 25, 2022/by Todd BriggsGreat…
1st Peter Pt. 2: The Pursuit Of Holiness
The call to live 'Set Apart' by Christ
Peter began this God…
September 18, 2022/by Todd BriggsPeter began this God…