1st Corinthians: The Church in The World, Not of The World Pt. 4
Building Spiritual Maturity
1 Corinthians 2:13-14
October 7, 2018/by Todd Briggs1 Corinthians 2:13-14
God's Covenant Love
What is a Covenant?
Covenant is key to…
September 30, 2018/by Todd BriggsWhat is a Covenant?
Covenant is key to…
1st Corinthians: The Church in The World Not of The World Pt.3
God’s Wisdom Revealed by The Spirit
Paul is writing to the…
September 23, 2018/by Todd BriggsPaul is writing to the…
1st Corinthians: The Church in The World Not of The World Pt. 2
The World's Wisdom VS God's Wisdom
Context: Paul writing to…
September 16, 2018/by Todd BriggsContext: Paul writing to…
Session #4 Church Membership Study
Pastors, Elders & Church Discipline
How Church Members should…
September 16, 2018/by Todd BriggsHow Church Members should…
1st Corinthians: The Church in The World, Not of The World Pt. 1
Chapter 1:1-17: The Priority of Unity in Christ Jesus
September 9, 2018/by Todd BriggsCorinth…