Nehemiah Pt. 9: Victory for God’s People
Nehemiah 6 ESV
Three themes – (v1-14) attack, (v15-16)…
June 17, 2024/by Admin MidtownThree themes – (v1-14) attack, (v15-16)…
Nehemiah Pt. 8: And All The People Said “Amen”!
Opposition to Kingdom Building from Within
Nehemiah 5:1-19…
June 11, 2024/by Admin MidtownNehemiah 5:1-19…
Nehemiah Pt. 7: Trust & Wisdom
Asking God to be Himself & Acting Wise
This is an amazing…
June 2, 2024/by Todd BriggsThis is an amazing…
Nehemiah Pt. 6: Persistent Prayer
Today we look at the problems and the prayers of Nehemiah…
May 28, 2024/by Admin MidtownNehemiah Pt. 5: Next to Him… Next to Them… After Him… After Them…
Nehemiah 3:15-32
And Shallum the son…
May 21, 2024/by Admin MidtownNehemiah 3:15-32
And Shallum the son…
Nehemiah Pt. 4: Each of Us & All Of Us
Kingdom Building / Disciple Building
God is always building,…
May 12, 2024/by Todd BriggsGod is always building,…