Family life, work life and community life in light of Christ

The letter to the church @ Ephesus starts with the Holy Spirit clearly defining salvation in Christ: how God predestined Christ to be crucified and resurrected to forgive our sin and how those He predestines to eternal life receive that forgiveness and the indwelling of His Spirit.

The part we just finished declares that ‘In Christ’ we are spiritually enlightened: that brings us to eternal life and enables us to live and grow ‘In Light of Christ’. Some examples of how we live In Light of Christ as HIS body:

We surrender our lives and let God do a renovation project of our thoughts & actions. We are unified as Christ’s Bond Servants, around the singular message of Scripture that has been the same for 2000 years. We are to have nothing to do with; sexual relations that are not God ordained, all forms of impurity and lust, and foolish talk full of obscenity and degrading humor.

There are various other things: for a full recap listen to all the sermons!

Last week The Holy Spirit gave us specific instruction on dealing with substances and about the central human relationship of biblical marriage. In both cases we get to obey God’s Word as it has been practiced for centuries.

Today the Holy Spirit is going to give us clear guidance as to how we get to deal with relationships that are difficult by nature and can entangle us in sin.

We are called to do these relationships different than the world that does not name Christ as Lord. We get to obey the ‘The Light’ Christ has placed in us, so we can shine that light into our relationships.

Whether it is our relationship with our parents, our co-workers, our children, our boss or our subordinates…what is the overarching focus in how we relate? What is the essential attitude we as Christ’s Body can brings to these relationships? How shall we specifically conduct ourselves? What are our standards as ‘Bond Servants of Christ’?

Here at Midtown, as Christ’s body, we get our attitude, values and standards from the inspired word of God: The Bible. For two thousand years it has guided ‘The Church’ with clear theology and applications that always seeks to emulate our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 6:1-9

1 Our Children are to obey their parents in light of our Lord. This is the essence of righteousness: 2 ‘honor your father and mother’. It is the first commandment containing a promised blessing: 3 ‘so that you may be established and live long in the chosen Land’.

  • As Christ’s Church we are ‘The Called Out Ones’. We have a different standard
  • We can only raise OUR children. We are fighting against a perverse culture
  • When children obey their parents, things are as they were meant to be: SHALOM
  • There are no conditions on the command to honor our parents (good or bad)
  • The way we honor God is by obeying him
  • The way we honor our parents is by obeying them (there are exceptions)
  • So how does the promise work? Obedience to parents is a foundation we establish faith on
  • As dependent children the focus is on obeying our parents
  • As an independent adult the focus shifts to honoring

4 Likewise, fathers don’t exasperate your children. Instead, gently educate them in Our Lord’s council and guidance.

  • You exasperate your children when you have unreasonable expectations of them
  • Putting too much pressure on them, assuming they know things they don’t
  • When parents are patient & gentle with their children…more SHALOM
  • Our standard is to have a Christ-Like attitude as we teach them Christ’s ways
  • The assumption is that in the body of Christ, children will be taught God’s ways
  • When we do things God’s way our relationships will be rich and loving
  • This can pertain to your ‘Spiritual Children’ as a mentor discipling someone

5 Obey those people who have been placed in authority over you with reverence, honor and sincerity, just as you would obey Christ.

  • How to be a good employee: do what your boss says!
  • What if they are wrong?
  • What makes you think you know enough to understand what they should do?
  • Recognize your place and honor those who God has placed you under
  • Stay in your lane: worry about honoring Christ rather than if your boss is right
  • It is not just obey, obey them like you would Christ

6 Don’t seek attention and accolades from people, but from Christ. Continue intentionally seeking God’s will, 7 enthusiastically serving The Lord, not people. 8 Be assured that everyone who does what is virtuous will be rewarded by our Lord no matter their status.

  • Who is your Lord and God? Who sets that standards you shoot for?
  • Who is the ONE you get to be focused on pleasing?
  • Do us humans like to have others notice and admire us? Oh yeah!
  • Continuously serving is the means by which we intentionally seek the Lord’s will
  • In Christ’s body we do what is right based on scripture & Christ rewards us!
    • (Disclaimer: That reward may not be until heaven)

9 And those placed in authority must themselves do the same; don’t use that authority to oppress those under you. We act this way because we know who has all authority; He inhabits the heavens, and there is no injustice in Him.

  • As a follower of Christ we are called to a different view of authority & position
  • Matthew 20:25-28: But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
  • Do the same: Intentionally seek God’s will & approval / serve the Lord / do right
  • YOU, Bond Servant of Christ get to not oppress those serving under you
  • WHY? Because you know God! You have surrendered your life to Christ!
  • No one surrenders to Christ unless they believe HE has all authority
  • HE not only inhabits the heavens, HE owns the heavens… HE IS the heavens
  • HIS standards are perfect, HIS justice is perfect & HE will dispense it perfectly


For those in the Body of Christ, all of our relationships are to be lived ‘In Light of Christ’.

In Jesus’ Biblical Church, dependent children obey their parents as a demonstration of their obedience to Christ.

God’s command to Honor our parents is not conditioned on them being honorable. God is the ‘Honorable One’. We honor HIM by obeying & honoring our parents.

In the practice of benevolent headship over their family, fathers are to be focused on instructing their children in the ways of Christ, with His grace and patience.

When God places us under a boss in an organization or community we obey Christ by obeying that boss in the exact way we would obey Christ if HE was our boss.

In our Bible based culture we orient our lives to please an audience of ONE: Christ. We don’t live to please or get attention from people who don’t have biblical values.

Serving Christ’s Body while seeking God’s will gets us doing what He considers virtuous and worthy of earthy or eternal reward.

If God places us in authority over anyone, we are to emulate Christ in the exercise of that authority; balancing grace & truth.

We don’t use our God given authority to participate in the evil oppression of those under us because we know and trust God’s authority, power and justice.


How could you improve your biblical obedience and honoring of your parents?

As a father or mentor what can you stop doing that exasperates your child / protegee?

What are some attitudes and actions you have toward your boss that are not Christ honoring? What needs to change?

How are you guilty of pleasing people rather than pleasing God? What needs to change?

What are intentional ways you can follow Christ’s example in the treatment of any subordinates you have?

Previously in this letter to the church in Ephesus, the apostle Paul has laid out the basics of the Gospel message and in our passage last week we he tells the church that through Christ not only are we saved for eternity but we are also spiritually enlightened now, to live as God would have us live.

Today’s passage takes us from the big picture to the small regarding how Jesus Christ’s body is to live. We will look at the lure of substances and their influence and one of the fundamental relationships in the church community: Marriage.

Last Week: Ephesians 5:15

15 So pay close attention to how you conduct your daily life, don’t live like you’re without divine wisdom, but rather as one who is spiritually enlightened.

  • Live based on the Spiritual Wisdom God Has given through Christ
  • The rest of the letter is specifics of this general idea

Ephesians 5:16-33

16 Make the most of today’s opportunities. This world is corrupt, 17 so don’t ignore what you can clearly perceive The Lord’s will to be.

  • Use the time you have to do God’s will: TODAY!
  • Each ‘Prisoner’ of Christ is should be a tool for God to fight corruption
  • Figure out what HE would have you do and get going at it!

18 For example; don’t use wine to get intoxicated, that habit is a corrupt influence. Instead, make it a habit to be under the influence of God’s Spirit.

  • Not just wine this can be applied to any intoxicating substance
  • The language is clear that the condemnation is on ‘Getting Drunk’
  • You can have too much to drink and then you can habitually get drunk
  • This is about seeking alternate reality, altered state of mind
  • Wine only way then, now: drugs, gambling, pornography, video games
  • Combined problem of inebriation & being under something’s influence
  • Instead of non reality, WE place ourselves under the influence of H.S.

19 Together, passionately sharing sacred songs of honest praise, raising voices and instruments to The Lord. 20 Giving thanks to Our Father God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in all circumstances and for all things.

  • This is what it looks like when you are constantly ‘In The Spirit’
  • Unity, passion, honesty, collaboration & use of gifts: How the church should be!
  • The more we let the Spirit of God influence our lives the more thankful we get

21 Subordinate yourselves to each other out of devotion to Christ.

  • When you are ‘spiritually enlightened’ this makes sense
  • The next 23 verses are devoted to specific examples of this command
  • WHAT: all must ‘Respectfully Defer’ to each other in The Local Body
  • WHY: Jesus Christ: because of what He’s done for you & done to you
  • HOW: Specific relational attitudes, values, norms and behaviors
  • All of it flows from a relationship with Christ (you need it to live this way)

22 Wives, respect your husband’s headship out of reverence to the Lord. 23 Because the husband is head of the wife as Christ is head of the church, each one the protector of that body. 24 Again, as The Church is subordinate to Christ, so wives are to husbands in all respects.

  • Often translated ‘Submit’. Current societal definition has changed
  • It is not oppression / slavery / dominance (different words)
  • The role God has designed for women in this relationship after the fall
  • Pronounced in Gen. 3 …’Your husband will have dominion over you.’
  • Dominion is ‘Benevolent Headship’
  • Headship is not about equality it is about roles

25 Husbands, generously love you wife like Christ loves the church; sacrificing himself for her holiness, 26 purifying her through the cleansing power of His will. 27 Personally consecrating those He sets apart to holiness, purified and flawless without any kind of blemish.

  • The basis of a husband’s ‘Benevolent Headship’ is Christ
  • What Christ does for each of His ‘Called Out Ones’ (The Church)
  • Sacrifices Himself to make the other Holy
  • Relationally & Personally He makes us pure of sins eternal consequences
  • And He is purifying us and setting us apart as HIS PERFECT POSSESSION
  • Husbands are called to model this goal; the betterment of their wife

28 Likewise husbands are to lavish love upon their own wife like they do their own body. Those who abundantly love their wife truly love themselves. 29 Accordingly, no one detests their own body, instead it is sustained and cherished. 30 Since we are parts of Christ’s body He sustains and cherishes us, The Church.

  • The emphasis is on the priority of the of love from husband to wife, automatic!
  • Loving as naturally as we feed, rest, nurture and protect ourselves as JOB #1

31 As a picture of this relationship a man leaves His Father and Mother and cleaves closely to his wife, the two even become one person. 32 This relates to the profound mystery which I am declaring, that of Christ and The Church.

  • Biblical marriage is a picture of Christ and His Church
  • ‘Leave & Cleave’ is about total commitment
  • God’s ideal for marriage: one man & one woman become one flesh

33 This is important for the whole community: Husbands, love your wives as you love yourselves. Wives, respect your husbands.

  • The entire body is to be united in this view of marriage
  • Supporting it as a high priority cultural value
  • The basic need of every woman is to be loved
  • The basic need of every man is to be respected


Christ’s Enlightened Church cannot afford to ignore God’s revealed will, we are here to check corruption.

There is temptation to seek ‘AlteredStates’…be repentant about your mistakes and don’t let any THING own you.

When we let the Holy Spirit own us we worship communally from the heart, by The Spirit, to The Father in The Name of Christ: ‘Trinitarian Worship’!

When we let The Holy Spirit own us we subordinate ourselves to each other because of what Christ has done for us, expressing our honest adoration.

Biblically married wives are to live the willingly subordinate to their husbands headship, placing themselves under the ‘Spiritual Protection of their husbands as Christ protects His Body.

Biblically married husbands are to practice benevolent headship of their wife. Sacrificially loving their wives as if they were themselves, like Christ loves His Body.

Biblical marriage is a meant to display the two God given roles of a man and a woman complementing each other. It is to be an earthly example of way Christ and His church relate to each other. As Christ’s Bride we get to have Him love us and we respect His benevolent headship.


What has God revealed to you about His will that you are ignoring?

How can you intentionally practice subordinating yourself to others in this church body?

As a married person how do you need to grow in fulfilling your God given marriage role?

As an unmarried person how can you support and defend Biblical Marriage in this church body?

Spiritual Illumination!

I believe ‘Light’ is one of God’s favorite and most powerful ways to describe HIS essence. The Biblical Jesus Christ uses ‘Light Examples’ about 35 times (based on translation) to describe God. In the New Testament ‘Light’ is used to describe God or His influence more than 80 times! 

When scripture speaks of God’s light it is not natural light, it is ‘supernatural light’. There are supernatural connotations attached to the way Jesus, Paul and other New testament writers used ‘Light’. It was understood to mean ‘Spiritual Illumination’ & ‘Divine Enlightenment’. 

In this section of the letter to the Church in Ephesus, the Holy Spirit uses ‘Light’ in this way SIX times, drawing a stark contrast to what is not God’s light, spiritual darkness, which is described as willful rebellion, unrepentance and sin lifestyles.

Light is universally valued, desired and considered good. About the only time that light is not embraced is when it exposes things we don’t want to see. What makes us want to hide from the light? SIN! Part of God ‘Enlightening’ our thinking enables us to admit to our sin and renounce it. This is broadly know as repentance. Repentance is an incredible gift from God! Don’t underestimate the role it plays in salvation and the subsequent life of a disciple.

Ephesians 5:1-15

1 Since we are His prized offspring, let’s keep on imitating God, 2 grounding our lives in generous love just as Christ loved us; laying down His life as a fragrant sacrificial offering to God on our behalf.

  • Our (Christ’s Church) motivation is based on revealed spiritual reality (Gospel)
  • God made us His eternal kids by dying to forgive us
  • He made the offering that we could not; the offering that was good enough
  • We follow His ways by laying down our lives
  • The foundation of our lives is the sacrifice Christ made for us: Generous Love
  • This is the ‘Big Picture’ of how we live (We need big picture & specific lifestyle)

3 In light of this, allow no place in your community for the following: sexual relations that are not God ordained, all forms of impurity and lust, and 4 foolish talk full of obscenity and degrading humor. It is not proper for those who have been made holy to live in such ways. Instead live from a grateful heart. 

  • So because of this overarching spiritual reality there are specific ‘Don’ts’
  • We are to have a culture that calls these things what they are: SIN 
  • We are to call them wrong but also to forgive those who repent of them
  • Because we have been forgiven we live from the reality of ‘Gratefulness’
  • We are not to tolerate a ‘little bit’ or change our standards to reflect the world
  • 3 categories ‘Sin Lifestyle’ not to be confused w/ ‘acts of sin repented for’ 
  • #1 The only sexual relations God ordains are within Biblical Marriage
  • #2 We, Christ’s Spirit Indwelt Church, define impurity & lust based on scripture
  • #3 Vulgar foolishness & degradation are also defined by scripture as ‘Anti-Christ’
  • If Christ makes you holy; then you surrender how you live to HIM
  • We must never, ever forget how much we’ve been forgiven, thankful for grace!

5 It is surely known amongst us that those who habitually fornicate, embrace impurity and defraud others as a lifestyle will not enjoy the privileges of Christ and of God’s Kingdom. Such people make these things their gods.

  • From the beginning of ‘The Church’ certain things been agreed upon
  • Have you studied the early church? What were their standards?
  • Why in the world should ours be ANY different? Because we know better? HA!
  • The language here clearly speaks of habitual, unrepentant lifestyles of sin
  • Individuals Christ makes fit for His Kingdom He releases from the power of sin 
  • God says: If you embrace and make sin a lifestyle, that is your god, not Christ

6 So don’t be fooled by false doctrine! It is clear that non-repentance of these things invokes the judgement of God upon those who are willfully disobedient. 7 Therefore do not partner in anything with such people.

  • What is doctrine: Specific statements of theological truth
  • What is false doctrine? Statements based on inaccurate bible interpretations
  • Examples pertaining to our text:
  • Doctrine that claims certain things are not really sin
  • Doctrine that claims Christ has a different definition of sin VS the O.T.
  • Doctrine that redefines certain sins based on current societal views 
  • Doctrine that claims God gives forgiveness without repentance
  • Doctrine that claims God will not judge us, He tolerates all sin 
  • We must deal with God as He is revealed in Scripture

8 Once we all existed in spiritual darkness but now we are spiritually enlightened because of our Lord. 9 A life that flows from spiritual illumination yields virtue, integrity and truth 10 that comes from discerning what the Lord values. 

  • We should always remain humble because we start without spiritual light
  • ‘Spiritually Enlightenment’ happens by the power & will of GOD / CHRIST 
  • HE is the source of our spiritual enlightenment, the life HE creates honors HIM
  • Post Illumination: our lives display fruit that looks like God’s character 
  • With HIS LIGHT we are now able to clearly see what really matters to God

11 Therefore don’t participate in the poisonous acts of spiritual darkness, 12 instead expose the unspeakable things that are done in secret. 13 Everything that is exposed to divine light is revealed for what it is.

  • Because we have been given ‘The Light’, & know it’s good, we rebuke darkness
  • Our goal & standard in the body of Christ is to have nothing to do with The Dark
  • Don’t partake of evil AND take an active role in working to bring evil to light
  • Expose evil to the light of God’s truth as a way of life!
  • Ultimately all evil will be exposed for what it is, by God’s divine illumination.

14 Truly; God’s illumination clarifies all things. Scripture says: ‘when you are enlightened by Christ you are resurrected from spiritual death’. 15 So pay close attention to how you conduct your daily life, don’t live like you’re without divine wisdom, but rather as one who is spiritually enlightened.

  • ‘Truly’ conveys intense emphasis on the statement that follows it…
  • Jesus used a similar phrase almost 80 time in the Gospels: “Truly I say to you…
  • We need God to enable us to see things for what they truly are: Illumination!
  • We only see Christ clearly when God gives us spiritual insight 
  • If we have this ‘Enlightenment’, this Spiritual insight, then we should live like it
  • The Spiritual reality God has enabled us to see will make us examine our living
  • We must use the gift we have been given, to the Glory of God!


Part of the call to salvation in Christ is the call to imitate Him. The love that defined Christ sacrificial death on our behalf must also define the way we live as His Kids!

In light of The Gospel, there are things we are to have absolutely nothing to do with in our church body. At the same time our culture must clearly reflect the humble gratitude we share for what Christ has given us.

The standards and values of Christ’s Body were established based on The Old Testament and Christ’s teachings early on in the Apostolic Church, and have remained know since. We are warned by God about false doctrines because we can all be deceived if our guard is down.

We are to separate ourselves from evil conduct and the people who make sin their god and lifestyle. At the same time we are to be graceful and sympathetic for them because we all have come out of spiritual darkness.

The only thing that brought us out of spiritual darkness was God enlightening our minds to surrender to Christ. And by that divine illumination we are to live, imitating God’s character, heart and actions.

In the Biblical Body of Christ we intentionally uphold the God given standards in His Word, relying on the spiritual enlightenment that comes only from being resurrected by Christ to live God’s way.


Why are you a true imitator of The Biblical Christ? What does that look like?

When have you justified mixing darkness with light in your life and why?

Why would you say you have been spiritually enlightened? What evidence can you offer from your lifestyle?

Why do you think smart, honest, well meaning people in churches get deceived by false doctrines?

Last Words…

The all powerful God of the universe, the God revealed in The Bible, came to dwell amongst His creation to illuminate and enlighten our thinking as to who He really is: The essence of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.

It is the illumination of divine enlightenment that causes us to surrender our lives to The Biblical Christ as His disciples. It is that same spiritual illumination that enables us to discern how we are to live based on the example of the Biblical Christ Jesus.

Spiritual Maturity Is Living God’s Way!

So what does this Spiritual maturity look like? 

The Beatitudes give us some good examples:

  • Spiritual Dependance on God. 
  • Sensitivity to sin it’s results. 
  • Humility before God & others. 
  • Consistent pursuit of God’s ways. 
  • Giving mercy to others as a lifestyle.
  • An uncorrupted view of our world.
  • Intentionally working for unity
  • Being willing to take heat for following Christianity
  • Standing up to hate and lies as one who belongs to Christ 

These are standards of growth as a disciple of Christ… but how do we get there?

The Ephesian Church, like Midtown Church has people who are at various stages and places in their discipleship to Christ. So we all need guidance and help.

In this passage God gives us all SIX things to do Christ’s way NOT the World’s way. The motivation comes from recognising How God has treated us and we are to ‘Pay it Forward’ by growing spiritually as we obediently follow the biblical Christ Jesus.

Last Week V15 & 16:

Instead let us establish our lives on the truth of generous love, growing in every way according to our head; Christ; He fits his whole body together in unity, each part supporting the whole in a unique way so that the whole body develops spiritually from generous love. 

  • The truth of God’s generous love in Christ is our example (The Gospel)
  • This Gospel unites us in oneness AND in interdependent individuality (gifts)
  • We are commanded to mature together in Christ’s Ways

Because of this we have to be SET APART… In The World but not of The World

In this passage God gives us six things to do Christ’s way Not the world’s way.

Ephesians 4:17-32

17 Consequently, for this same purpose I make this declaration and solemn appeal to you in Christ’s name: Stop living like those who don’t care about God. 18 Their thinking is totally wrong about God, their entire mentality is shrouded in darkness, alienating them from the eternal life that God gives.

  • This same purpose is: maturation of the body that occurs when members grow
  • The way that happens is to follow Christ NOT the world (one or the other)
  • You can’t do both at the same time (The Myth of the 3rd Kingdom)
  • Here is where you don’t want to be: thinking wrongly about God / Christ 
  • When you don’t see God rightly EVERTYHING is affected (no illumination)
  • That darkness keeps you estranged from ‘Real Life’ / Eternal Life

Their hardened hearts keep them willful ignorant of God. 19 They live without having to account for how they are owned by their sexual desires; habitually practicing all kinds of excessive, impure acts.

  • It is a self perpetuating cycle: Hardness & pride keep you in the darkness
  • When God is not your creator, and you are not accountable to Him: No Rules!
  • If you are the standard of what is right or wrong you will be a slave to lust
  • This speaks specifically of sexual things that are impure (God Has standards)

20 This is the opposite of discipleship in Christ! 21 If you live out what He teaches then you know He is the truth. 22 His teaching regarding your prior lifestyle is that it must be put away, with the corrupting and deluding influences of persistent lust. 

  • Christ’s Ways are NOT the world’s ways… no matter what you might feel
  • Biblical discipleship to Christ cannot be practiced while living ‘just like everyone’
  • What are the real teachings of Christ? DO YOU REALLY KNOW?
  • What this Scripture says is that if you learn them and live them you will find out
  • His teaching on spiritual transformation is clear: God makes you different!
  • We must each address the influences that corrupt…the things that led to sin
  • But it is not just behavior modification; 
  • God, by His Spirit and your surrender, changes your thinking and acting

23 Instead, surrender your state of mind to be renovated by God’s Spirit, 24 creating excellent character in the depths of your being that resembles His: righteousness and holiness emanating from pure truth. 

  • Rather than allow the world to drive how you think, let the Holy Spirit drive
  • God is not meant to be your ‘Co-pilot’! Jesus take the wheel…and keep it!
  • The only way to live following Christ is to have God ‘re-do’ your character
  • This happens in obedience: ‘If you love me you will obey my commands’ ~ JC
  • Maturity results from God doing a renovation of your mentality & character
  • What does God doing a renovation of your thinking & character look like?

25 To this end, put away false spirituality, and declare divine truth together with your neighbors as part of the same body. 

  • Start by getting Jesus & HIS Gospel right based on the Scriptures (OT & NT)
  • The only way to follow Christ is to do it His way: Scripture is the ‘Guidebook’
  • Quit mixing other junk with your Christianity, let’s unify around Scripture!
  • Declaring Divine Truth Together: A basic thing Jesus Christ’s Church does
  • God wants us to do it together, ‘Body-Unity’ proves Christ’s Deity (JN 17)
  • Francis Schaeffer called this ‘The Ultimate Apologetic’ A United Church Body 

26 When you become angry do not sin and allow the day to end while you remain indignant. 27 Don’t give a place or opportunity to the devil.

  • Next important thing in your doing things God: Resolve your anger now!
  • I says it is OK to be angry, that is not sin. Christ was clearly described as angry
  • The command is to not sin from your holding on to that anger
  • We’re to keep short accounts; resolving conflict we have with other body parts
  • We are to release what we are unable to resolve
  • And we are to repent of where we have sinned in our anger

28 The one who steals must stop stealing, instead he should work hard with his own hands, producing something he can share with others who have need. 

  • Next up: Self Responsibility / Honestly doing your part, with what you have
  • Stealing encompasses taking from others in all ways: emotion / time / things
  • Christ followers are not to just make enough to live on but also extra to share
  • The concept of a disciple is called to produce ‘Bread to Share’: spiritual food

29 Refrain from all impurity when you speak, say only what is spiritually encouraging to those who need to hear it.

  • Next: Corrupt Communication
  • This is about saying less (say only what is uplifting should limit our talking)
  • And seeking to communicate spiritual hope, grace and love to encourage
  • How do you know who needs spiritual encouragement? 

30 Don’t work against the influence of God’s Spirit, who has personally sealed you as His and will one day fully redeem you. 

  • Don’t frustrate, vex, sidestep, work against God’s ‘Sanctification Process’
  • God has placed HIS Spirit in you, eternally spiritually regenerating you!
  • By His amazing grace He marks you as His possession
  • He ‘Seals’ your eternity with HIM! The Indwelling H.S. is the down payment!

And when you believed in Christ, you were marked with His seal, the promised Holy Spirit. The Spirit is God’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance He promised and that He has purchased us to be His own people. Eph. 1:13b-14a

31 Intentionally remove these from your life: harshness, rage, hate, discord, and defamation which all partner with evil. 

  • The language speaks of persistent focus on doing somethings
  • People who don’t care about God treat others with caustic disgust, & nastiness
  • People who don’t care about God display extreme emotion to get their way
  • People who don’t care about God hate openly, take pride in it 
  • People who don’t care about God intentionally seek to divide
  • People who don’t care about God consistently slander those who oppose them
  • All of these ‘attitudes’ or ‘lifestyles’ are entryways for the devil to come destroy 

32 Instead, grow in the giving of grace to each other, practice merciful forgiveness to one another, the way God in Christ forgave you.

  • The opposite of all the things listed is how God has treated YOU!
  • Our motivation and example is Christ and His sacrificial death to give us life!
  • Motivation, example and empowerment all come from God 


If you belong to Christ you should grow up in Christ and you cannot do that without actually following the ways and words of the Biblical Christ! You must be set apart!

There is God’s way and there is the ‘World’s’ way…there is no 3rd choice! Scripture is the guidebook to God’s way.

The Biblical Jesus Christ taught that those who answer His call abandon their previous life and are ‘Born Again’; that means being transformed by God in your thinking and character to be like Christ.

6 things to do God’s way rather than the world’s way:

  • Learn the Biblical Christ & His Biblical Gospel and declare it w/ other Saints
  • Release, Resolve and Repent of anger daily
  • Do your part to provide & share excess material & spiritual things for The Body
  • Communicate based on God’s standards and use what you say to bless
  • Do what you can to participate in God’s sanctification process (discipleship)
  • Grow in graceful, merciful forgiveness: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self Control


How much energy and intention do you put into trying to be sure you think correctly about God? 

What specifically can you do to more fully cooperate with The Holy Spirit’s renovation of your mind and character? 

How well do you recognize the corrupting influences of the world around you and intentionally work to rid yourself of those influences?

Which of these six things we are called to do God’s way are the biggest challenges for you? Have you specifically asked God to show you how to do things more His way?

God’s Word about HIS Church

This letter is essential to the biblical church of Jesus Christ!

Recap of Chapters 1, 2 & 3

This letter written to believers / the church / holy people / faithful followers of Christ. Christ chose His people before creation, predestined adoption… purchased by Christ. The revelation that Christ will be given all authority when He returns is central. Christ gives us a share of His inheritance (both Jews & Gentiles). In saving us God seals us with His Indwelling Spirit, a guarantee of eternity. Paul prays believers grow in spiritual wisdom & understanding of their call & power. We were all dead in sin, God made us alive in Christ, united in His resurrection. We are saved by God’s unmerited favor, to be His masterpiece He planed long ago. Christ’s work on the cross unites all believers no matter the background. This creates The Church: all spirit filled believers, based on the foundation of God’s messengers. We are all called to be bondservants of Christ if He has called us. The church is how God will display His wisdom to the forces of evil. Paul prays for believers to be spiritually strengthened by understanding Christ’s love. The church glorifies God by Him working in unity with a balance of love and truth.

Ephesians 4:1-16

1 Therefore, as a bondservant of our Lord, I beg you to live a life worthy of the privilege you have been summoned to. 2 A life of total humility marked by kindness and patience as you endure with one another in (generous) love, 3 continuously striving to protect the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

  • As one who has accepted the eternal privileged, I urge you to do as I have
  • Salvation has incredible privileges & responsibilities (opposite of Cheap Grace)
  • We live in harmony with what we have been given by being totally humble!
  • We are to kindly and patiently endure with other Biblical Christians
  • Christ’s bondservants are called to make the unity of HIS Body a big priority
  • The unity of the Spirit is essential to the privilege we’re given, we must protect it 

4 There is one body of believers, united by One Spirit—you were called to this singular hope. 5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 

  • There is only one group that makes up Christ’s Church (He knows the roster)
  • The Holy Spirit is a unique and one of a kind ‘Divine Person’ (As Christ is)
  • The ‘Singular Hope’ is that there is but ONE way for people to be saved
  • The Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ is a specific message / specific truth
  • There is only One worthy to be the Lord of our souls (Jesus Christ)
  • There is only one proper Church, it is based on Scripture (ONE Divine Destiny)
  • There is only one ‘State of Identification’ (multifaceted meaning of ‘baptism’)
  • Indwelling Holy Spirit ‘Marks You’ / Obedient Self-Identification: Biblical Baptism
  • There is but ONE United Deity who in Three Persons encompasses Everything!

‘In Christ’ is a shared identity, a shared metaphysical reality, a shared calling, a shared hope, a shared revelation of who God IS!! All of these together unite us in the sacred and awe-inspiring privilege of being Jesus Christ’s Body! For each member of the body of Christ, these Privileges / Gifts are the same (universal / normative)

7 On the other hand, to each one separately grace was appointed according to the specific gift of Christ. 8 Therefore it says, “When he ascended to the heavenly realm, He led His captive multitude, supplying them with spiritual gifts”

  • God has a corporate relationship with each of us and and individual one as well
  • He specifically & uniquely gives us grace in the form of different spiritual gifting
  • When God’s Spirit indwells you (Christ takes you captive) you get ‘spiritual gifts’
  • God quotes Himself: reference to part of Psalm 68:18 

He ascends into the heavenly heights, taking his many captured ones with him, leading them in triumphal procession. And gifts were given to men, even the once rebellious, so that they may dwell with Yahweh. Psalm 68:18 TPT

  • The indwelling of God’s Spirit unites us with God for eternity (dwell with Him)

9 In saying, “He ascended,” it means He had previously descended to a lower place: Earth. 10 The One who descended is the Very One who also ascended far above all the realms of the universe, that He might encompass all things.

  • Psalm 68 is a ‘Messianic Psalm’ written by David 
  • This foretells the Incarnation and the ultimate ascension of Christ
  • As we saw last week, He condescended to human level in order to be above all
  • Christ ‘came down’ and sacrificed Himself making us His ‘Bondservants’

11 He alone appointed those He would send, those who would speak for Him, those who would proclaim His message, those who would steward His body and who would teach His will and ways.

  • To all of Christ’s captives, to the ones who are forever HIS… 
  • He gave individuals different spiritual gifts (everyone get something)
  • Apostles: Those gifted to go to different places to grow His Body
  • Prophets: Those gifted to speak from God’s point of view: (General & Specific)
  • Preachers: Those gifted to proclaim the Biblical Gospel Of Jesus Christ
  • Pastors: Those gifted to lead & care for His Church: Spirit Indwelt Believers
  • Teachers: Those gifted to act as an experienced guide to the Scriptures

Why did God in all of His wisdom endow His ‘Captives’ with spiritual gifts like this?

12 His purpose is to specifically prepare those He made holy for duty serving the Gospel, providing spiritual structure for the body of Christ, 13 until we all arrive to oneness of conviction and insight regarding the revealed Son of God, making us fully mature based on all that Christ is. 

  • Christ doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called
  • Each one He puts His Spirit in He then prepares to spirituall serve ‘His Body’
  • These gifting areas are there to provide the spiritual foundation of ‘His Church’
  • These gifts will be given & used by Jesus Christ’s Church until…
  • All of Christ’s Captives completely understand Him in perfect, united maturity
  • This is known as ‘Heaven’
  • The work of being discipled so that you can disciple goes on until Jesus returns

14 We are not meant to remain immature; our thinking unsettled, moved by every wind of shifting information, influenced by human lust and deceptive schemes.

  • God has set up His Body (The ‘WE’ here) to grow, gifted people to assist in that
  • If you have been given God’s Spirit it is incumbent upon you to become mature
  • When you remain immature you can be pulled this way and that
  • When you remain immature you jump on every new ‘progressive teaching’
  • God is a big subject, you can’t google it or watch a few YouTubes and have it
  • It takes years of study and application under the superintending of God’s Spirit 
  • People spend years studying for their career, how about for your eternity?
  • We should focus on our discipleship more than anything else: Why?
  • Immaturity is destructive! It gives Satan ways to fracture our unity
  • It’s opposite of what God desires; those not pursuing maturity are in rebellion
  • Maturity is born of consistently walking with God and His People by His Spirit 
  • There are no shortcuts!

15 Instead let us establish our lives on the truth of generous love, growing in every way according to our head; Christ; 16 He fits his whole body together in unity, each part supporting the whole in a unique way so that the whole body develops spiritually from generous love. 

  • Instead of neglecting doing what it takes to become mature, let’s do this:
  • Make the truth of the biblical Christ the foundation of everything we do
  • Get to know Jesus so well you constantly grow to be more like Him
  • Cooperate with Him & His Bondservants to become part of this ‘Holy Organism’
  • Support other members in abundant love, growing the whole church spiritually


Just like Paul, we are all called to be bondservants of Christ. And because it is such an eternal blessing we should do our best to honor the One who gave us these blessings by living in the ways this Scripture lists, united by His Spirit. 

Through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ’s Body is united in ONE; calling, reality, identity, fellowship, Lord, and eternal hope. For each individual Christ has made His captive, it is the same.

The Body of Christ, HIS Church, is defined by specific truths stated in God’s Word that are singular and unchanging, they do not evolve, they don’t change with the times. These truths are defined by God’s Word and have been followed by His people for almost 2000 years. 

Jesus Christ possesses His Followers, they are His ‘captives’. The Biblical church is made of such people and exists to disciple and deploy them. Having indwelt them with His Spirit they become willing bondservants and vehicles of HIS grace.

Each captive Christ takes shares in the same eternal privileges, but each is also gifted individually with measures of specific gifts to provide spiritual structure for Christ’s Body, The Church. These structural gifts represent God’s foundational business, the core competency of Jesus Christ’s Church. 

God places people into the spiritual leadership structure of His local church by equipping them with measures and combinations of the gifts listed:

Woody: Pastor / Pastor / Prophet 

Greg: Pastor / Teacher / Prophet 

Todd: Apostle / Pastor / Teacher 

Spiritual Maturity (defined by Scripture) is not a option, it is essential to each person who is biblically converted to Christ Following. Immaturity in the Body of Christ opens it up to spiritual attack because evil influences can ‘move’ the immature. (5)

Four Musts for Maturity: To become mature God says YOU MUST:

#1. Establish your life on the truth of time tested interpretations of the Scriptures.

#2. Grow in ‘Generous Love’ based on the biblical person of Christ Jesus.

#3. Allow God to integrate you into His local family business, His Spirit Indwelt Body.

#4. Biblically support YOUR church and the God-established leadership of it. (6)


Have you spent as much time, energy and resources living up to the privilege of being Christ’s bondservant as you have spent on your education, career, family, sports, travel, entertainment?

If God’s Word declares the singular unchanging truth about so many aspects of what we know as Christianity, how can there be new interpretations of what a Christian is and what Jesus’ Church is?

How much have you focused on discovering your spiritual gifts and developing them? Can you expect to become spiritually mature without operating in your spiritual gifting?

Rate yourself from 1 to 5 as to your consistent obedience to the 4 musts of maturity. 

#1. Establish your life on the truth of time tested interpretations of the Scriptures.

#2. Grow in ‘Generous Love’ based on the biblical person of Christ Jesus.

#3. Allow God to integrate you into His local family business, His Spirit Indwelt Body.

#4. Biblically support YOUR church and the God-established leadership of it

The community of Spirit in-dwelt followers of Christ!

True community is elusive to mankind! Our default as human beings is not to unity, it is to self and pride which leads to sin. Community has been desired and idealized throughout history and we know deep down in our souls that real community is essential.

Community (‘Common-Unity’) is defined as a specific and commonly shared way of life that unites people. To achieve common-unity people must share a specific communal mentality and attitude. Common-unity requires group ownership of common purposes, shared values and goals. 

It is hard for humans to agree on these things, has been for all history. In Scripture and any other account we have of the history of humanity, common-unity is a fleeting condition for people. Warfare is the result of disunity and we certainly have more war than unity on this planet. Why is it so hard for people to live in common–unity?

The Biblical Jesus Christ came to unite us with our creator which enables us to unite with our brother and sisters. As we follow him we too can be a part of God reconciling all creation to Himself. In Him we are given common unity with God and in this we can form the ultimate community: Jesus Christ’s Church

What is the basis on which we have this common-unity? How do we envision it? 

Is there an essential element we can grab on to to always be our guide and foundation? 

What creates this ultimate community for those who follow Christ? It is the ultimate act of humility that was His death on the cross. That humility is our example, it is our empowering and it is our lifestyle to grow in.

Philippians 2:1-11

1 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? 2 Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.

  • These are rhetorical questions if you follow the Biblical Christ
  • What could be more encouraging? More comforting? 
  • I can testify to supernatural connection with other Spirit-filled Believers
  • My heart has been tenderized…but it needs more
  • So then based on these amazing privileges Christ has given us…
  • Be united with the rest of the Body of Christ, all the way!
  • Agree wholeheartedly, love each other, work together (all W/ 1 mind & purpose)
  • No Problem! Right?

3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

  • Here is how you do it: get over yourself! There is no ME in community
  • Learn true humility and practice it…the hardest thing any of us will do
  • We have to let God make us selfless because sin makes us the exact opposite
  • Care for others! Don’t ignore yourself, just care for others too
  • Consideration…. Practicing being considerate of others (Philippines)
  • The more you care for others the less you think you are better 
  • The more you care for others the more truly humble & selfless you get

5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. 6 Though he was God, He did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.

  • To pull this off you need to look at everything the way Christ does
  • For Christ humility is a ‘Be-Attitude’ (mindset leading to action)
  • Whatever you are or have, place it under God & be willing to give it up
  • Christ was willing to come down to our level, that’s a big drop
  • What could be harder to give up than Godhood? 
  • Are we willing to ‘condescend’ in any way God would have us based on Christ?

7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges, He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When He came in human form, 8 He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

  • So rather than leverage His position, Christ became the least of us
  • It was an amazing act humility to become human! (when You are God)
  • But the ultimate act of humility was allowing His creation to execute Him!
  • This is our example of humility & selflessness (The highest of standards)
  • Total Condescension… Perfect Condescension
  • God’s will is enacted by Christ’s humility and obedience
  • In the same way, God’s will is enacted by OUR humility and obedience

9 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

  • Because of Christ’s perfect humility & obedience He is the apex of everthing 
  • The last will be first and the first will be last…
  • It glorifies God to come and die for you and me (Sacrificial Love)
  • What God / Christ did makes Him worthy of all glory from everything!
  • This act of ultimate humility creates His church; the ultimate community!


As His followers we should spend our lives developing HIS attitude!

How do we doit? 

12 Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. 13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

  • A life of imitating Christ by yielding to His Spirit within us takes practice
  • We all have to grow out from under direct supervision and fly solo
  • It takes hard work, focus, and persistence to get results: 
  • The results of our salvation show up in relationships and sacrifice
  • We must practice reverence & awe or we will become complacent
  • WE HAVE to do it because God has invested eternity in us!
  • He is working in YOU!! SO, how can you cooperate with Him more?
  • How do we get the attitude of Christ? 
  • Hard work and reverent obedience grows humility & consideration of others
  • And this kind of biblical discipleship creates biblical community!


What we have ‘In Christ’; comfort, belonging, fellowship and compassion, is given to us to form the basis of our united thought and purpose. (His Church)

The way we live out this unity is by being considerate of others and acting from a position of humility and self-awareness.

Our example is Christ; The Incarnation of God all-everything, who laid all of His deity aside to be considerate of our eternal souls need for salvation.

In the ultimate act of humility, Christ in human form subordinated himself to the welfare of all humanity as He allowed His own creation to execute Him.

By choosing to be lowest Christ Jesus becomes the Highest! One day HE will be worshiped by all creation, we have been given grace to do it now!

We have been given grace to follow Christ’s perfect example of obedience; reverently relying on God to conform us to His will. To that we add our hard work: honoring God and worship HIM.


(V 1 & 2) )How well do you take stock of and appreciate all of the privileges you have been given in Christ Jesus? Would sharing those things make you more aware and thankful?

(V 3 & 4) What are YOU selflessly doing for others to build Common Unity here at Midtown? Is there something new you can do? Is there something you are doing that you can do more of?

(V 6, 7 & 8) What things are you willing to give up in order to be considerate of others? Things can include time, emotion, expertise, money and possessions.

(V 12 & 13) How do you balance hard work and reverent reliance on God as a disciple of Jesus Christ? Do you need new practices or more consistency with established practices?

Application for V 9, 10 & 11 is:  Have you fulled surrendered your life to Christ’s Lordship? The assumption Paul is making is that the recipients of this letter all have come to salvation in Jesus Christ. But God knew others would read this letter .

If you have NOT fully surrendered your life to God; today is the day!

If you have surrounded you life to Christ I encourage you to rely on God’s power to help you commit more hard work to your discipleship!

Jesus lived the perfect balance of Truth and Love. The Biblical Gospel is a message of truth and love combined in a person. 

This is the 3rd chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in the city of Ephesus. In the previous chapters Paul has outlined the Biblical Gospel. Unity In The Biblical Gospel Of Christ’s Death, Resurrection and 2nd Coming. Unity In The Biblical Indwelling Of God’s Spirit giving eternal life. Unity In The Biblical View of God’s Authority based on His Word.

This chapter focuses on God’s uniting all peoples through the work of Christ. Being included in the gospel was critical for the Ephesians because they had been victims of exclusion by Jews. We need this message today, the truth of Christ and the Love of Christ bringing all people together 


1 For this reason, I Paul, am a bondservant of Christ Jesus for you gentiles. 2 I expect that you have heard about the stewardship of God’s grace that was entrusted to me for your benefit.

3 This mystery was made known to me by God’s revelation, as I have already written briefly to you about. 4 Accordingly when you read this you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ. 

5 It was not made known to humanity in other generations as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets by operation of The Spirit. 6 Specifically that the gentiles are joint heirs, fellow members of the body and partakers together in the promise of Christ Jesus through the gospel.

7 Of this gospel I became a servant according to the gift of God’s grace which was given to me by the exercise of His power. 8 To me, the very least of all saints, grace was given to preach to the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. 9 Fully illuminating the plan of this mystery, which was concealed until this age in God who created all.

10 So now, through His church, God’s infinite wisdom shall be declared to the rulers and authorities who occupy spiritual realms, 11 according to the eternal purposes He accomplishes through Christ Jesus our Lord. 

12 In Him we have confidence that we are truly connected to God by faith. 13 On this account, you should not let my afflictions on your behalf trouble you, they are your future glory.

14 For this exact reason I bow my knees unto the Father 15 who is the source of everything in heaven and on earth. May the abundance of His glory create strength and power in the depths of your soul by means of the One Spirit. 

17 That Christ may dwell in your heart based on truth, firmly fixed and established in love. 18 That you will be empowered to understand in unity with all the saints what is the breadth, length, height and depth of Christ’s love. 19 That you may experience it in a way that surpasses knowledge; making you complete in the fullness of God!

20 We pray to the One who is able to provide so much more than we can ask or imagine according to His power that is working within us. 21 To Him be honor in His church because of Christ Jesus for all generations forever and ever! Amen.


God breathed these words through Paul for all of us; God works through Spirit-led leadership to guide Spirit-led followship.

The Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to unite all ethnicities, groups, sects and factions.

Paul was chosen to declare the unsearchable riches of Christ. Jesus’s Church is to continue declaring the riches of Christ’s to the forces of evil

As His Church we are confident in eternity, and we depend on God to strengthen and empower us by His Spirit. 

Balancing truth and love, unified as His people we can know the fullness of Christ’s love.

We honor Christ’s love for us by entrusting our lives to Him , empowered by His Spirit. (Biblical Discipleship) 


How & why do you fully place yourself under the authority of God’s Word?

What attitudes and actions are the result of good Followship / Discipleship?

How can Midtown do a better job of declaring the riches of Christ to the forces of evil?

What are some ways you might grow in the experience of Christ’s love and unite with other believers?

Pt. 2 of The Heart Of Christ

The Book of Ephesians is a Theological Treasure Trove!

(Note: The message is in two parts around our sharing the Lord’s Table)

Two weeks ago in Chapter 1 we saw: Four Uniting Foundations OF MIDTOWN CHURCH

Unity In God’s Word as understood and applied consistently for 2000 years.

Unity In The Biblical Gospel Of Jesus Christ

Unity In The Biblical Indwelling Of God’s Spirit

Unity In The Biblical View of God’s Sovereignty / Authority

Our text today gives us critical truth regarding the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ and how that creates The New Testament Church / Christ’s Body.

Elements of The Biblical Gospel contained in Ephesians 2: 

We all are born in a condition deserving God’s wrath for our rebellion and disobedience. We all need to be converted, BY GOD and only by God into His spiritual family. Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection are central and essential. On the cross Christ takes the wrath we deserve. In His resurrection we are united by His grace, making us alive with Him eternally. 

He does it all from His unfathomable grace and love. We are the recipients of the faith to believe He has made peace for us and with us. 

He saves those far from Him and near to Him, bringing us tog dies’ / ‘Local Churches’ that are built on the foundation of those He chose to reveal Himself through with Christ being the cornerstone. For 2000 years, followers of Christ have read this book and applied it the same way. God is the basis, power, determiner and enactor of our being placed into membership in the body of Christ (this body). Committed Membership is an essential environment in which we apply this Scripture.


1 Once you were dead in your condition of disobedience and sin. 2 You lived based on the order of this world, obeying the ruler of an unseen world, the spiritual force that actively empowers unbelief.

  • Pointed directly at each individual in audience: ‘The Truly-Yielded In Christ’
  • In order to be ‘In Christ’ you must recognize that you were once ‘Not In Christ’
  • Whether overt sin or unseen attitudes, Scripture says we all obeyed Satan!

3 All of us once lived this way, serving the passionate desires and inclinations of our flesh. We were born in this condition and subject to God’s wrath, as is all humanity.

  • Commonality of our condition makes us all the same degree guilty of rebellion
  • Scripture states we don’t have to learn how to sin, it is our base condition
  • Scripture declares every human is deserving of God’s wrath / punishment 

If we accept this as The Truth about our condition BEFORE God rescues us, then we shall also recognize that we have no remedy for this situation…

4 But God in His unparalleled mercy and unending love, made us alive together with Christ, 5 even though we were spiritually dead because of our sins! It is only by God’s grace that we have been saved! 

  • But God! 
  • May all those God has bought with His blood & placed His Spirit into rejoice! 
  • Incomprehensible Mercy! Love that is Eternal and Omni-Everything! 
  • Grace: Unearned Favor! That is what saves you and I, God in His GRACE!

6 He raised us from the dead in Christ and gave us eternal life because we are united with Christ Jesus. 7 For all eternity God will demonstrate the incredible wealth of His grace and kindness, as shown in all He has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.

  • God’s eternal animation of our Souls comes from our being made one W/ Christ
  • Those God redeems are the eternal legacy of His favor based on His goodness

8 You are saved by God’s grace through faith. This is not your doing; it is the gift of God. 9 This salvation is not the result of anything we have done, so none of us can boast about it. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, fashioned in Christ Jesus, to do the virtuous things He foreordained. 

  • What saves each of us is one thing and one thing only: Grace (redundant)
  • This grace is understood, experienced and lived out based on faith
  • We don’t do the grace part & we don’t do the faith part. Both are gifts of God!!
  • If you think you made it happen…then you don’t have it! 
  • ‘We’ refers to those Christ has made to be His church, to continue His legacy

11 Remember you Gentiles were called uncircumcised by those who were circumcised in man made ways.12 Remember you were without the intervention of Christ. You were excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenant promises God made to them. You lived in this world without God and without hope.

  • Don’t ever forget how far you have come! (‘Unchurched’ is today’s equivalent)
  • However you were raised you can be the recipient of God’s grace
  • Until God makes us His we are truly without hope!

13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 Christ himself is our peace. He united Jews and Gentiles when, in his own body on the cross, He broke down the wall of hostility that separated us from God.

  • Being far from God can be overcome, In Christ!
  • How does it happen ‘By The Blood’??? God sheds His own ‘Life Force’ for U!
  • The person of Jesus Christ is stressed, our faith is not in doctrine, it’s in Christ!
  • The surrender of Jesus’ body removed the barrier (Sin) between us & God

15 This abolished the law of commandments and statutes so He could create in Himself one new people from the two groups. 16 Together, Christ reconciles both groups to God and to each other, by means of his death on the cross.

  • Christ’s death on the cross rendered the Mosaic Law unnecessary
  • The law divided ethnic groups, Christ’s death make one new group
  • Christ’s death on the cross makes reconciliation with God and others happen

17 Christ came to announced this Good News of peace to those alien to God, and peace to those near to God. 18 Now all people can have access furnished by the One Spirit to the Father. 19 You are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people.

  • The message of the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all people
  • The indwelling of The One Spirit connects us to God, He unites with us
  • All who biblically convert to Christ’s Lordship belong equally to a community
  • This is Jesus’ church, it’s a big deal

20 Together we are members of God’s spiritual family, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. 21 We are purposefully joined together in Him, becoming a holy temple in Christ The Lord. 22 Together were are becoming the dwelling place of God’s Spirit.

  • We each ‘convert’ to God’s family as an individual; surrendering to His call
  • That call and our surrender is informed by those God revealed Himself through
  • Christ is the apex of God’s revelation, the cross & resurrection are crucial
  • True salvation only come from a biblical response to the biblical message
  • This unity of being makes us God’s Temple, we each house His Spirit
  • As Christ’s Church our unity is based on Scripture (not feelings or social norms)


We all are born in rebellion against God, living under the rule of Satan, deserving ‘God’s Justice’.

God came to our world, His death & resurrection unites us in eternal life with Christ.

Those God saves by grace, are an eternal demonstration of His mercy, love and kindness.

Christ’s Biblical Church are His ‘humbled handiwork’, living in grace by faith, doing God’s will.

All spirit filled believers are united to each other and to God through Christ’s death & resurrection forming God’s Spiritual Family / Christ’s Body / The New Testament Church.

Each local group of believers exists based on Scripture and in unity worship & honor their Lord.


Based on this passage what is your role in becoming saved from God’s wrath by Christ’s death & resurrection?

How do you consistently express the gratitude you have for Christ uniting you to God?

What are some examples of how you lived differently before and after surrendering your life to Jesus Christ? Have you begun the good work God has appointed you to?

If you are a member of this church, how well are you living up to the commitment you made in signing the member covenant?

John 14:1-6

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

We must trust in the care and wisdom of God when tempted to be anxious.

How do we trust God when our hearts are troubled?

#1: We believe in the character of God

  • V. 1 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me”

# 2: We look beyond our current trouble

  • V.2-3 “In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.”

# 3: We embrace our all-sufficient JESUS 

  • V. 5-6 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.