
Kingdom Building / Disciple Building

God is always building, and so are His people. God builds His people and significant structures that serve to build HIS people. Here @ Midtown church we are in the disciple building business. We believe Kingdom Building [Jesus Christ’s Kingdom] is basically ‘Disciple Building’.

God’s pattern throughout Scripture is HE builds through individuals and community. Then: Israel / The Hebrews. Now: Jesus’ Body / The Church. In Scripture we see both: individual responsibility & communal responsibility: OWNERSHIP.

Building a wall is a process, a sequential process. So is disciple building. Building something begins with Vision then it requires Planing regarding Materials and Labor… THEN: Construction. The planning and people and building materials are all in place, let the building begin! But no matter how many people collaborate or work together, each person must do their individual part for the building project to be successful.

The Kingdom Building Principals we will see:

United Purpose FROM GOD through His Called Leader! The Building Plan: What needed to be repaired or rebuilt? God Given Priorities. Preparation & uniting the people was done before construction began: sequence. Individual Response AND Communal Response / Everyone Pitched in [non-laborers]. Spiritual Leaders [Priests] Led by EXAMPLE & Personally Initiated Action [Labored]. Real People who worked where they lived & where they didn’t live. There are always some who don’t participate, don’t let that stop You! V.5

We will also look at the significance of particular Gates, their history & use.

LAST WEEK: Nehemiah 2: 17-18 [ESV]

Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.” And I told the of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work.


NEHEMIAH 3:1-14 [NASB1995]

1 Then Eliashib the high priest arose with his brothers the priests and built the Sheep Gate; they consecrated it and hung its doors. They consecrated the wall to the Tower of Meah [100] and the Tower of Hananeel. 2 Next to him [The High Priest] the men of Jericho built, and next to them Zaccur the son of Imri built.

  • Spiritual Leaders lead through and with PEOPLE
  • Leadership is active in the work
  • They worked where they lived / worked [Temple Area]
  • THEY CONSECRATED GATES! [things that serve God]

3 Now the sons of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate; they laid its beams and hung its doors with its bolts and bars. 4 Next to them Meremoth the son of Uriah the son of Hakkoz made repairs. And next to him Meshullam the son of Berechiah the son of Meshezabel made repairs.

  • Moving west [area of threat / need for protection]
  • Primary use of Gate: Where fish came from the Mediterranean Sea

And next to him Zadok the son of Baan also made repairs. 5 Moreover, next to him the Tekoites made repairs, but their nobles did not support the work of their masters.

  • The Tekoite common folk worked, but not ‘The Nobels’
  • Since the fall, there is no perfect unity

6 Joiada the son of Paseah and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah repaired the Old Gate; they laid its beams and hung its doors with its bolts and its bars. 7 Next to them Melatiah the Gibeonite and Jadon the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon and of Mizpah, also made repairs for the official seat of the governor of the province beyond the River.

  • Old Gate near Governor’s Seat
  • No specific use for the Old Gate
  • People from other places joined their family in building
  • Only construction that was not part of the wall or a gate was Governor’s House

8 Next to him Uzziel the son of Harhaiah of the goldsmiths made repairs. And next to him Hananiah, one of the perfumers, made repairs, and they restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall. 9 Next to them Rephaiah the son of Hur, the official of half the district of Jerusalem, made repairs. 10 Next to them Jedaiah the son of Harumaph made repairs opposite his house. And next to him Hattush the son of Hashabneiah made repairs.

  • People who were not used to working in construction pitching in
  • High city officials doing manual labor along side nobodies
  • Individuals taking personal responsibility for their part
  • While individuals do their part, they also act in unity and cooperative community

11 Malchijah the son of Harim and Hasshub the son of Pahath-moab repaired another section and the Tower of Furnaces. 12 Next to him Shallum the son of Hallohesh, the official of half the district of Jerusalem, made repairs, he and his daughters.

  • Not just city officials themselves, but they are bringing family…FEMALE family
  • There was a lot of wall between the Old Gate and The Vally Gate
  • They needed all the help they could get!

13 Hanun and the inhabitants of Zanoah repaired the Valley Gate. They built it and hung its doors with its bolts and its bars, and a thousand cubits of the wall to the Dung Gate. 14 Malchijah the son of Rechab, the official of the district of Beth-haccherem repaired the Dung Gate. He built it and hung its doors with its bolts and its bars.

  • People from out of town
  • Valley Gate led to Valley south West of the city [no specific use]
  • Nehemiah used this gate to get out so it was passable…
  • Dung Gate: removal of refuse.
  • These two gates were close to each other [different uses]


The High Priest ‘Arose’ and with his Brother Priests and began to build [Sheep Gate]


When kingdom building is from God, leadership takes part in the actual work


Individuals are named and their parents identified


When God moves in a group it is also about individual, real people


Even in such a God ordained building project there was no perfect unity


Nehemiah didn’t let possible division slow him down, neither should we


Time was taken to repair a fitting home for their God appointed leader


They valued the leadership God had given them and acted accordingly


God’s people who didn’t work with their hands join in the manual labor


When it’s God’s work, you don’t only do what you do well, you do what’s needed


Do You have a vision for what You should be involved in building for the kingdom?

Why is this Memoir included in both Judaism and Christian Scriptures?

What place should ‘Building’ and ‘Rebuilding’ play in the Body of Christ?

What about Nehemiah Typifies the coming Messiah? [450 yrs later]

So where is Jesus in the Book of Nehemiah?