YOUR Summer of Revelation Pt. 11
Revelation 5: 'The Scroll & The Song'
Revelation 5
August 12, 2018/by Todd BriggsRevelation 5
YOUR Summer of Revelation Pt. 10
A Vision of Perfect Worship: Revelation Chapter 4
“It is very…
August 5, 2018/by Todd Briggs“It is very…
YOUR Summer Of Revelation Pt. 9
Laodicea: The Self Sufficient Church
Revelation 3:14-22
July 29, 2018/by Todd BriggsRevelation 3:14-22
YOUR Summer of Revelation Pt. 8
Philadelphia: A Vision of Obedience (Rev. 3:7-13)
After the…
July 22, 2018/by Todd BriggsAfter the…
YOUR Summer of Revelation Pt. 7
Sardis: 'Playing Church'
Revelation 3:1-6
Write this letter…
July 15, 2018/by Todd BriggsRevelation 3:1-6
Write this letter…
YOUR Summer of Revelation Pt. 6
Thyatira: Compromised Leadership
It is the progression of Non…
July 8, 2018/by Todd BriggsIt is the progression of Non…