Warfare & Will Pt. 4
The Holy Spirit's Role in Spiritual Warfare
The foundation of…
May 13, 2018/by Todd BriggsThe foundation of…
Warfare & Will Pt.3: YOUR HEART
Warfare & Will Pt. 3: The Battle for Your 'Heart'
Is God's…
May 6, 2018/by Todd BriggsIs God's…
Warfare & Will Pt.2
Warfare & Will Pt. 2: The Enemy
Satan has many faces,…
April 29, 2018/by Todd BriggsSatan has many faces,…
Warfare & Will Pt. 1 ‘Overview’
Spiritual Warfare IS seeking God's will
Romans 12:2
April 21, 2018/by Todd BriggsRomans 12:2
Discipleship is all about Sacrificial Investment
Discipleship Is: Sacrificial Relationships
Colossians Pt. 8…
April 15, 2018/by Todd BriggsColossians Pt. 8…
Sunday 4/8 Colossians Pt.7: ‘The Fruit of Disciple-Living’
The Fruit of Disciple-Living
Colossians 3:16 – 4:6
April 7, 2018/by Todd BriggsColossians 3:16 – 4:6