Basics of The Biblical Church Of Jesus Christ

Unity / John 17 / Our legacy @ Midtown Church is about being biblical (Consensus)

We need to constantly and intentionally strengthen those strands of relationship & commitment to Biblical values that form the foundation of Jesus Christ’s Church

Who / What / When / Where / How / Why (Why is to be addressed 1st)

Answers to these questions, based on scripture are the basis for The Local Church Body

Chapter 1:

Church Body VS Relationship with Jesus Christ

There is NO biblical relationship with Jesus Christ without being part of ‘A Local Church Body’

Volunteer Organization VS ‘Ongoing Presence & Authority of Christ by HIS Spirit’

Service Provider VS ‘Ongoing Presence & Authority of Christ by HIS Spirit’

The idea of ‘Imperium’ / Who’s Authority have you placed yourself under?

If Christ Jesus, have you fully placed yourself under HIS ‘Ordained Authority Structure’

Why does the Church Exist? (Finished Work of Christ on the Cross)

The Church as shaper of structure & lifestyle of the Converted & those being converted

Kingdom Embassy Metaphor: Representatives in a foreign kingdom

Every Member’s WHY (In a Biblical framework) results in Representation, Submission, Citizenship and a share of the authority.

Biblical Conversion is how Christ makes you a part of the Body: This is WHO

Truly becoming one of the WHO (Redeemed & Spirit Indwelled) creates the Biblical Why of every Christian regarding the Local Church and it informs the What, Where, When and How.

Our lives as Disciples of Jesus Christ was paid for at a high price by God Himself, but it has also cost may past & present Disciples everything including their lives.

Chapter 2:

The Marking Off = Conversion & Gathering

Set Apart: Values that define Culture

The Book of Acts: Study in Apostolic Church Culture

Ten Indisputable Themes in the New Testament about ‘The Church’

Discussion about how well we are following the Biblical Example

#1: Unity around The Biblical Gospel Message

#2: Disciples are United Locally and Globally (small world then)

#3: Identity of Disciple of Jesus Christ = Church Member

#4: Shared Identity & Unity releases Christ’s power

#5: Initial Step after Biblical Conversion is Baptism

#6: Together the Church is ‘Called Out’ of the ‘World System’

#7: Biblical Church authority & structure shape the lives of Church Members

#8: Under shepherds are responsible for specific sheep

#9: Disciples are responsible to submit to specific leaders

#10: The church excludes ‘False Professors’ from their community

Some content based on the book: ‘Church Membership’ by Jonathan Leeman