Pastors, Elders & Church Discipline

How Church Members should relate to Pastors / Elders

  • Members should formally affirm Pastors / Elders

  • Members Should honor Pastors / Elders (1 Tim 5:17-18)

  • Members Should submit to the Elders (Heb. 13:17)

  • Members should pray for their Pastors / Elders

  • Members should bring charges against disqualified Pastors / Elders (1 Tim 5:19)

  • Members should remove gospel denying Pastors / Elders

Church Discipline

Church Discipline is part of the Discipleship Process

In removing someone from membership the church says it can no longer affirm a person’s profession of faith in Jesus Christ based on that person’s consistent actions.

The Five Purposes of Church Discipline (1st Corinthians 5)

  • Discipline Aims to Expose

  • Discipline Aims to Warn

  • Discipline Aims to Save

  • Discipline Aims to Protect

The underlying purpose of all Church Discipline is love! (Hebrews 12:4-13)

It begins by church members developing the skill of privately & tenderly confronting sin

Formal church discipline is reserved for sins of significance & unrepentant sin patterns

Matthew 18: The Process of Church Discipline

  • One on one private conversation

  • Then confront with others

  • Then inform the church as a whole and have the body confront

  • If no repentance then remove from fellowship

  • Christ confers HIS authority to HIS church

Church Discipline is required in cases to protect the reputation of Christ

When Church Members Should Not Submit: (Pg. 118 & 119)

Chapter 8: What OUR Membership Covenant Should Include