Jesus lived the perfect balance of Truth and Love. The Biblical Gospel is a message of truth and love combined in a person. 

This is the 3rd chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in the city of Ephesus. In the previous chapters Paul has outlined the Biblical Gospel. Unity In The Biblical Gospel Of Christ’s Death, Resurrection and 2nd Coming. Unity In The Biblical Indwelling Of God’s Spirit giving eternal life. Unity In The Biblical View of God’s Authority based on His Word.

This chapter focuses on God’s uniting all peoples through the work of Christ. Being included in the gospel was critical for the Ephesians because they had been victims of exclusion by Jews. We need this message today, the truth of Christ and the Love of Christ bringing all people together 


1 For this reason, I Paul, am a bondservant of Christ Jesus for you gentiles. 2 I expect that you have heard about the stewardship of God’s grace that was entrusted to me for your benefit.

3 This mystery was made known to me by God’s revelation, as I have already written briefly to you about. 4 Accordingly when you read this you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ. 

5 It was not made known to humanity in other generations as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets by operation of The Spirit. 6 Specifically that the gentiles are joint heirs, fellow members of the body and partakers together in the promise of Christ Jesus through the gospel.

7 Of this gospel I became a servant according to the gift of God’s grace which was given to me by the exercise of His power. 8 To me, the very least of all saints, grace was given to preach to the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. 9 Fully illuminating the plan of this mystery, which was concealed until this age in God who created all.

10 So now, through His church, God’s infinite wisdom shall be declared to the rulers and authorities who occupy spiritual realms, 11 according to the eternal purposes He accomplishes through Christ Jesus our Lord. 

12 In Him we have confidence that we are truly connected to God by faith. 13 On this account, you should not let my afflictions on your behalf trouble you, they are your future glory.

14 For this exact reason I bow my knees unto the Father 15 who is the source of everything in heaven and on earth. May the abundance of His glory create strength and power in the depths of your soul by means of the One Spirit. 

17 That Christ may dwell in your heart based on truth, firmly fixed and established in love. 18 That you will be empowered to understand in unity with all the saints what is the breadth, length, height and depth of Christ’s love. 19 That you may experience it in a way that surpasses knowledge; making you complete in the fullness of God!

20 We pray to the One who is able to provide so much more than we can ask or imagine according to His power that is working within us. 21 To Him be honor in His church because of Christ Jesus for all generations forever and ever! Amen.


God breathed these words through Paul for all of us; God works through Spirit-led leadership to guide Spirit-led followship.

The Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to unite all ethnicities, groups, sects and factions.

Paul was chosen to declare the unsearchable riches of Christ. Jesus’s Church is to continue declaring the riches of Christ’s to the forces of evil

As His Church we are confident in eternity, and we depend on God to strengthen and empower us by His Spirit. 

Balancing truth and love, unified as His people we can know the fullness of Christ’s love.

We honor Christ’s love for us by entrusting our lives to Him , empowered by His Spirit. (Biblical Discipleship) 


How & why do you fully place yourself under the authority of God’s Word?

What attitudes and actions are the result of good Followship / Discipleship?

How can Midtown do a better job of declaring the riches of Christ to the forces of evil?

What are some ways you might grow in the experience of Christ’s love and unite with other believers?